On Demand Classes → Kitchen

Add Kitchen Storage

Just about every cabinet and drawer has unused or underused space. Think about the bottom shelf in a base cabinet. It’s almost impossible to retrieve something shoved into the back, and it's even a little creepy since you need a flashlight to see what’s there. The solution? Convert it to a rollout shelf. In Add Kitchen Storage, we explain how to build a half-dozen different types. We also show you how you can squeeze in more shelving, add storage racks to the backs of cabinet doors and turn blind corner cabinets into usable, accessible space. Plus, you’ll learn about some odd places in the kitchen that can be turned into great storage—places even kitchen designers may not know about.
  • Mobile App
  • Course Introduction
  • Add Kitchen Storage
  • Course Completion and Next Steps
  • Congratulations!
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Course Completion and Next Steps, Congratulations!, Add Kitchen Storage"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever